Education blog

Avistament de  la nostra llúdriga

The secrets of the Zoo: native fauna in danger

Some families have discovered which animals of our fauna are in danger and for what causes. They have visited them, so free ( Grey heron, Lesser egret, Cattle egret ) as those that are part of the captive breeding programs (EEP) to be reintroduced like the Montseny triton, the Mediterranean turtle, the river turtle, the vultures, the otter ...




On the occasion of the anniversary of the passage of the 1973 Convention on international trade in endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, in its acronym in English), which plays a very important role in the protection of species in the face of trade International., the world of nature and wildlife.

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The small scientific talents of Pau Casals

The small scientific talents of Pau Casals have come to do the observation tasks in his project. They have enjoyed and learned! The observation of animal behavior is an important source for the knowledge of the species, since if you know how you behave you know what you need for your wellbeing.


Mare de Déu Mercè1

The students of the Mare de Déu de la Mercè has come to meet the Zoo lions


The children of the school Mare de Déu de la Mercè have come to the Zoo to discover how lions live at the nature, wich food they eat and how they relate to each other. Also, they have been able to check that like in nature, they are animals that are passing many hours of the day sleeping and resting.

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sabana sahel

Savannah of the Sahel

The students of P5 of the Marinada School look at Pedro very attentive. The rhino, the giraffes, the elephants ... they are all part of the Sahel.

The Gazelle Dorcas and the Mort. The Barcelona Zoo works on a program to reintroduce Dorcas gazelles to the Sahel

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The penguins of St Peter's

P5 students at St Peter's school have discovered that humboldt penguins, which we have in the Zoo, are native to Peru and Chile, they can live in mild temperatures but they need cold sea currents to provide them with food.

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