Education blog


Would Water Day

Water is a scarce commodity and it is needed more than ever! Water is an essential element of sustainable development.

This weekend we have carried out special activities for the World Water Day that is celebrated on the 22nd of March. 

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Joan Roca school wants to know more about the different groups of animals

Second of primary school students become experts in the recognition of different groups of animals. At the Zoo we have give them the tools to do it. We also have explained the curiosities and the problems they have in nature not only those who are in their installations at the Zoo, also those autochthonous and exotic species that have chosen the zoo to live.



CEIP Francesc Macià comes to experience Look and Touch Workshop

Third-year primary school students have learned the difference between a pet and a wild animal, the problems that wild animals have in their habitat, and in particular illegal commerce for pets as well as responsible pet ownership. Knowing, close by, some animals from the terrarium and from the farm.




Wild animals with Mare de Déu del Coll School

The boys and girls of P5 of the Mare de Déu del Coll School, have done the  activity of wild animals to know what is a wild animal, how they can change
according to the place where live or what they eat. They have ended the visit meeting our Rhinoceros Pedro.


Numancia school discovers the functioning of the zoo

The students of Numancia School, have come to spend one day at the zoo discovering the indoors work. They have been able to walk through some installations, like elephant's bedroom. They also, have been able to observe the different tasks of carers.


Funcionament del Zoo amb l'Institut IDEA

IDEA School carries out some educational courses related with animals. Their students have come to the zoo to discover by themselves how the Barcelona zoo works indoors. They have seen some installations and they also have been able to talk with the carers for learn about their daily task.