Education blog


Small explorers: bird feeders

With the farm’s manager support, the Small Explorers’ team has learned to monitor the feeders to be able to do it on its own. We will add, subtract, monitor the bird’s food... A very complete tracking activity!




Menjar per a ocells i dofins

Small explorers: enrichments and food

Today, small explorers have had the opportunity to hand an enrichment to dolphins and have been able to see birds from a very close distance when feeding them.


gelatina menjar ocell

Nens i nenes enriquiment

“The lion and the lioness” Project, from Mare de Déu del Roser School

Mare de Déu del Roser schoolchildren from les Planes have been working throughout 3 months on “The lion and the lioness” Project. They have been able to discover this animal’s wonderful world, the way it lives, the way it relates, what it eats, where he lives and the things we can do to protect him.


foto reunió famílies

Summer Zoo Camp 1st Information Meeting

The 1st Summer Zoo Camp information meeting has been held with the assistance of a wide number of people interested in knowing the details and characteristics of our Summer Zoo Camp.


If you missed it, don’t worry about it, more meetings are going to be held on:

- June 6 at 6:30 PM

Foto equip

Presentation of the project "So monkeys": Do primates play?

3rd of ESO students from IES Barri Besòs have presented the observational project they have been working on over this school year. It consisted of a photographic exhibition that gathered their study of primates playing and showing their adaptive values.


Portes obertes

Education Department organize an open house 9 and 10 June

It's important to show people how Education Department works during all year. For this reason, we organized an open house in 9th and 10th of June.

These days we're going to prepare a sample of all activities and workshops that we do during the year. So, teachers are able to see and make questions about all the activities from Education Department and try to choose the best for them.



Alumnes dels APS i les educadores del Zoo visitant el CRARC de Masquefa

The Zoo visits CRARC

A group of students from Salle Comtal School and Consell de Cent High School have visited CRARC facilities in Masquefa together with the Zoo. They have learnt lots of things about Hermann's tortoise and Mediterranean pond turtle. They learnt how manage and take care of them as well.


Tortugues del CRARC


Dia de Zoo_ Visitant a les Zebres

Zoo Day: Animals of the Zoo

When children have a day off to school, they can come to the Zoo and enjoy the great day!!

Children enjoyed such a very intense day while they were learning and discovering the most special animals from the Zoo. They have fed some animals, preparing enrichments for merkats and chimpanzees for one day. And obviously, they enjoyed the activities during all day.


Foto nens observant menjar a les zebres

A day next to zebras

Students from l'Escola Puigcerver have visited the Zoo in the second year of Primary School. They paid attention what the zebras ate. They enjoyed the tour guide while they learnt the most important things about one of the most striped animals in the Zoo.