Today we celebrate our 15th Dreamnight at the Zoo


Today at the Zoo we are hosting the charity party Dreamnight at the Zoo, a special and totally free evening that is held on the eve of the first Friday of June at zoos around the world, for boys and girls suffering from a serious disease or disability, and their parents and siblings.


Since the Rotterdam Zoo was opened in Holland in 1996, this initiative has been spreading. This year 304 zoos all over the world, excited about the idea of making kids happy who are having a tough time and don’t have many chances to visit the Zoo.


For the party this year, we will close the Zoo a bit earlier at 18:00 so that our guests—some 50 families—can have the park to themselves and leave after the sun has gone down, hopefully happy with the experience they got to have and the gifts that we will give them as souvenirs. Among other activities, they will watch how we feed ice-cream to the chimpanzees, how we look after tej Komo dragons, and they will help us feed the penguins and the  hippos. We will also have snacks and the participation of magicians who will add their mistery and happiness to the evening.


The Barcelona Zoo joined the Dreamnight network in 2007, and this is our 15th edition, after a break forced by the pandemic. Helping us out with the organisation for the party have been the Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital and other hospitals via the foundations Pequeño Deseo and Enriqueta Vilavecchia. We are extremely grateful to all of these institutions, as well as the companies, entities and volunteers that have offered us their time, services or products free of charge and always with great affection and enthusiasm.



Aparcaments B:SM


Atlanta Restauración Temática S.L.


Carns Romeu

Coca cola




Feristela Media


Frit Ravich

Premium Merchandising


Societat Espanyola d’Il·lusionisme
