Education blog


World Day of Environmental Education

After the day on the World Environmental Education Day carried out by the educators of the Education Area of ​​the Barcelona Zoo, we have been able to see that all our visitors are very aware of them. nature and its conservation.

The activities carried out were very well received and continued to help us add new Guardians of the Natural to our team.


L'escola Ramón Casas visita les aus


The P5 class has visited us today to discover the world of birds and they have all been able to visit them.

From those that are most endangered such as the Jacint macaw, to those that can walk on the water like the Jacana or the fastest swimming like the penguin.

They have noticed the nests and eggs so different that they exist, the colors so beautiful that some have and for what purpose, the different foods depending on their beak, the songs so spectacular ...


World Zebra Day

Today the protagonists are them ... the zebras.

January 31 is the world day of zebras and we wanted to carry out our activity: Do not scratch! In his honor.

The zebra has a wide range in eastern and southern Africa. They generally live in prairies without trees and savannah forests and are absent from deserts, jungles and marshes. Habitat for this species is declining, although zoos that are zoo are not extinct but are on the red list due to minor concern.


educació ambiental

26 by January: World Day of environmental education

The International Day of Environmental Education originated in 1975, the year in which the International Seminar on Environmental Education took place in Belgrade. This event established the principles of environmental education within the framework of United Nations programmes. As a result, Belgrade's letter was published, which embodies the fundamental demands of environmental education.


Zoo Day: Zookeeper for a day

The children who participated in Zoo Day have access to aquarama cooking, feeding penguins and helping elephant caretaker prepare for boomerball. Enrichment is a key element in giving captive animals more opportunities for the animals to be able to carry out their natural behaviors and knowing it helps to see the important task that is being done at the Zoo level of conservation and research


trito 2

The cottage of the Tritó del Montseny


Welcome to the cottage of the Tritó del Montseny and take advantage of Christmas days to discover this endemic and endangered native species, as well as the conservation project being carried out for its recovery and reintroduction into nature.



viu el nadal 1

Live the Christmas

As we announced, activities to connect with Nature have not stopped during Christmas, There are still a few days to enjoy it ... do not miss the opportunity!

viu el nadal 

portes obertes

Open house for teachers

The Zoo team and especially the Education Area Team thank all the teachers who visited us with your families during the open days on 23, 24 and 27 of December . Thank you for your interest in the educational work that we have been doing for over 40 years and that you have been very active in the activity that we have prepared.


Class where it's done the open house

First day Open House for teachers

Today, 23th December, taking advantage of the Christmas holidays beginning, we’ve opened the doors from Barcelona Zoo Education Area to all teachers in order to discover and have an idea about the guide tours and workshops that the department offered to all of the schools from Catalunya.

In the cover photo, it can see the class prepared in order to attend all the teachers.


Activities to connect with nature


Barcelona Zoo · from December 21 to January 7

Enjoy the Zoo with the different proposals we have prepared for these parties.

Have you seen the new naturalized installation of the Sabana Sahel? Come to know the next new home of the lions.

Do you like to play? The family gymkhana awaits you every day. Participate and get different gifts.

Activities and workshops "Live Christmas at the Zoo" will test your skills and improve your knowledge.