First day in the zoo of Montserrat School!


Today is the first day that the Montserrat school visits us with the older children of the small ones, the boys and girls in the p5 classes.

The crocodile class has started by visiting a relative of the crocodiles to review the characteristics of the reptiles: the Komodo Dragon.

Then they had the best time watching the head of a crocodile and an alligator up close, they were very impressed !.

They have even been able to touch the scales !. Ep! But before all their hands have been disinfected and the scales are also disinfected after the activity. At the Zoo we are very careful with hygiene measures !. And as you can see all the activity has been done outdoors.

They have also learned aspects about their feeding, thermal regulation, cleaning, reproduction, adaptations, differences between crocodiles and alligators and some curiosities !.

We could not forget the dangers they pose to their habitat and all the actions that zoos take to prevent their extinction.

This was the best time to visit the reptile breeding area and all the curiosities about incubation !.

And it's time to explore the terrarium to meet the animals !. They could see them soooo close!.








