Education blog


Turó Blau School visits the dolphins!


P5 boys and girls have learned a lot about dolphins with a number of manipulative dynamics.

Then we went to the pavilion to meet the 4 bottlenose dolphins that make up our family, they knew the names, the ages ... They saw how they were trained and at the same time they saw their teeth, what they ate and how they ate.

They have also been able to count the fins and see how they use them for different things: swimming, jumping, spinning ... And they have watched the spiracle open to the surface to breathe and close when they dive.


Reina Elisenda School visits us.

The P5 giraffe class has decided to start the new course by visiting our family of giraffes learning a lot of them through a zoo educator, expert in this African mammal.

They have discovered that they not only live as a family if they do not share habitat with Dorcas gazelles and the turtle of spurs and that in nature they also coexist with elephants, rhinoceros ... that they have also been able to see.

Apart from the knowledge and emotions they have also taken a small memory!


Reina Elisenda School visits our family of giraffes!

P5 students have come to do the giraffe project, not only have they learned about all the aspects of the tallest animal in the world with a series of dynamics. If not then they have been able to visit our family of giraffes who were eating peacefully in their yard.

They have been able to see how they relate, how they use their tongue for food, how they gnaw, the particular way they walk and the head they have so great with their huge necks that they make them the highest in the world.

la mercè

La Mercè in the Barcelona Zoo

La Mercè is a very special day, because the ZOO is birthday !!!.

For this reason we carry out a series of activities that you can learn and enjoy as a family.

Come and celebrate with us!


Conscienciació mediambiental

Following the events of the environmental problems that have occurred in recent days, as we make the  camp: "Around the world in 80 species" we have traveled to see the Amazonian tapirs of the Zoo to discuss the fires caused in the Amazon, your home.

We have explained the great loss of biodiversity, both of animals and plants of the jungle that are disappearing. And not only that, also the tribes that live there.


Vertebrate workshop

The first and second school students of the Josep Maria Ciurana school have been able to experiment and test their senses. They have investigated with the help of the magnifying binocular glasses various structures of the vertebrates and have discovered how they reproduce.

They have also known all types of vertebrates on a route where educators have introduced different aspects of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.


Invertebrate workshop

Today the students of the first and the ESO of the Roca school have embarked on the fantastic world of invertebrates with a series of activities with biological material where they have been able to observe the most important characteristics of the different groups. They have also been able to enjoy the experience of watching some of the most spectacular invertebrates on the planet.



Floquet de Neu awards to high school research works

The finalist works of the high school students last summer have already been selected. We congratulate you for your work!.

Soon the specialists will meet to decide who are the winners!.

We will keep you informed!.


Isabel Besora school visits us

The boys and girls of 3rd have gotten into the fantastic world of the zoo, despite the rain that has not stopped us since they were well prepared.

They have been able to visit incredible places such as the giraffe's bedroom, the operating room where animals are operated, or the store where with the food of the 2000 animals that live with us.

They have also discovered where the zoo's animals are from, how we help them and how we release them, to some of them, to their habitat.

Moment d'una activitat

World Awareness Day 22q11 Syndrome at the Zoo

One year the "red tide" has come to celebrate World Awareness Day 22q11 Syndrome at the Zoo. In the hands of a Zoo educator and with the help of the zookeeper, they

have been able to enjoy a morning full of activities and surprises with the animals of the farm.