Reina Elisenda School visits our family of giraffes!


P5 students have come to do the giraffe project, not only have they learned about all the aspects of the tallest animal in the world with a series of dynamics. If not then they have been able to visit our family of giraffes who were eating peacefully in their yard.

They have been able to see how they relate, how they use their tongue for food, how they gnaw, the particular way they walk and the head they have so great with their huge necks that they make them the highest in the world.

And we must not forget the toys or enrichments they have to stimulate the use of tongues, one of the most important body parts of this species.

They have also found that they have companions of other species: spur turtles and Dorcas gazelles that naturally share habitat.

Finally they have known their state in the wild and we do from the Zoo to avoid their extinction with captive breeding programs, the research of the species and the education of new generations !.