Research project for High School at the Zoo

Are you aware of the importance of conserving the planet’s biodiversity? Are you interested in learning more and contributing to this area by focusing your research project in this direction? Come and tell us about your proposal! Help us spread the message and become true biodiversity conservators!



What do we propose?


  • To introduce you to the world of scientific research, with our guidance.
  • To involve you in biodiversity conservation.
  • To help you develop a critical view on current and cross-cutting topics, incorporating the sustainable development goals (SDGs) into your research. 


How will we do it?

The support for the research project follows these phases:


1. We get to know each other! 

We will have an initial meeting to get to know each other and get started. You will get to know our environment, and we will talk about our raison d’être: biodiversity conservation.


2. We are researchers!

We propose that you help us solve some of the real challenges we are currently facing, and we will explore the possible approaches to carrying out research following the scientific method. 

3. We focus our research!

We will begin to plan the steps necessary to develop our research. If needed, you will also have the option to talk with members of the Conservation team to clarify any technical doubts that may arise. 


4. Move forward!

The Education team is available to monitor your research in the afternoon at our facilities or via video call if that is more practical for you. You will coordinate with the assigned educator and establish contact guidelines for your research needs.
Additionally, you will be members of the Zoo Club and can access the Zoo during regular visiting hours as often as you like.  


5. We did it!

We have finished the project, and it turned out great! We will share the document with the Zoo’s Education team to register our collaboration. 


When can I start and how do I register?


We accompany you for six months, and you can start at four different times of the year. The first three sessions are in person in the afternoon: 


Start dates for the 2024-25 school year 

  • 25 September 2024
  • 11 December 2024
  • 2 April 2025
  • 21 May 2025


Price: €69.45 | Register here


* Once a session has started, you cannot register until the next one. 
** Inform your research project tutors about your collaboration with the Zoo. It is important that they are aware.