Welcome Rourke

zoo barcelona

On 5 March we welcomed Rourke, a 17-year-old male drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) from Bristol Zoo.


Drills are a species found in a limited area of distribution in west Africa. According to the IUCN, they are in danger of extinction.


Because of the species’ situation, Rourke's arrival at Barcelona Zoo meets the guidelines given by the coordinator of the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP) for drills, which chose him as a new breeding male in the Zoo's group of drills to ensure a viable and healthy reproductive line, by avoiding inbreeding, and preserve the species.


Rourke will be sharing the facility with the Zoo’s 4 females (Inga, Ilachy, Fresita and Bichy). He is presently getting to know his new home, investigating the inside of the facility and the outdoor yard. We can thereby guarantee his adaptation at the pace he needs.


He and the females can see each other, but through a protective screen. The team of carers are meticulously observing the reaction of the five drills during this period of protected contact and it will be their observations which determine the best time for the group to be permanently brought together.