The Barcelona Zoo Foundation allocates €60,000 to the projects awarded in the 15th edition of the Grants for Research and Conservation Programs.



The Barcelona Zoo Foundation has granted its Grants intended for research, conservation, protection and preservation of wildlife and biodiversity projects. The call, which is part of the Foundation's Research and Conservation Program (PRIC), is annual and this year is in its 15th edition. In total, 16 applications have been received, of which four have been selected by a jury made up of relevant professionals from the scientific community. The winning projects will receive a total contribution of €56,218. 

In accordance with the general criteria of the call, one of the elements that have been taken into account in the selection of projects has been the leadership of young researchers, pre or postdoctoral. The aim is that the grants from the Barcelona Zoo Foundation become a support tool for the development of their research careers.




The habitats and fauna of the Mediterranean, main studies of the selected projects


Of the 4 selected projects, 3 focus on the study of fauna and native ecosystems of the Mediterranean, including the marine environment. This year, Aid has also been awarded to a study that will be carried out in collaboration with African rescue centres. Other factors that have been considered are that the projects incorporate research in both the fields of biology and medicine, that they have application to the conservation of species, that they are innovative and that they make use of new technologies. 

The zoological groups on which the studies that will receive Aid this year are focused are primates, chiropterans and cetaceans.




The new model of the Zoo, committed to research


One of the strategic lines of the Barcelona Zoo's new model is to strengthen its commitment to research and dissemination. In this sense, the Zoo Foundation Grants program is one of the lines with which work is being done to promote the generation of knowledge and awareness about the need to protect ecosystems. 

The Annual Grants are an important way for the Barcelona Zoo Foundation to collaborate with researchers and other external entities to complement its own research and conservation programs or in collaboration with third parties that are carried out to contribute to the protection of the most threatened fauna.




Granted projects:

