Learning how Zoo works

Instal·lació de la sabana Africana

Today, kids have discovered how zoos work and how zookeepers take care of the animals in a best way possible.

 As we can look in the picture, kids took advantage of seeing the new lion’s facilities, we’re finishing to construct it right now, and you can see the animals there very soon. Today, lions are living in the old facility.

One of the activities that we have done during the morning has been to prepare three fantastic necklaces for the parrots. The animals like this kind of enrichment, they stay several days playing and destroying it thanks to this beak.

In this picture we can see how the zookeeper is lplacing the enrichment inside the parrot’s facilities.


Preparant enriquiments
Kids are preparing the enrichment for parrots


Penjant l'enriquiment
Zookeeper are placing the enrichment inside the facility

Just after, kids have discovered that Barcelona Zoo do a very important work like breed different species to reintroduce them in the wild. For example, Barcelona Zoo together with other institutions and research centers have reintroduce Saharian Dorcas gazelle in the north of Senegal.


Observant a les gaseles
Looking at the gazelles