Zoo Keepers and Vets 4


In the photo above you see us working on the Zoo farm, we are cleaning the yard of the rake goats, you can look at the material we use. It’s not always the same, Zoo keepers of macaws or komodo dragons use other utensils. It must be taken into account whether the animal is dangerous or not and the type of substrate in the installation.

Many people think that caring for an animal is cleaning and feeding it, but it is more complicated than that. Zoo keepers should check if the animals are well, eat well, walk normally, if they sleep well, if the feces and urine are normal .... They are the first to sound the alarm if something not good !.

And they are also in charge of putting the enrichments (toys suitable for the abilities of each animal), we have made a few for different animals, you can see them below. Enrichments are important for keeping the abilities of animals, physical and mental, in shape !.

Boys and girls, you also have to study a lot about different animals to know what is normal and what is not !.

Those who intervene later, if necessary, are the veterinarians so we have a veterinary clinic at the Zoo and they quickly start to solve the problem. As you can see they all collaborate and help !. Teamwork!.

