Education blog


Mammals 4

This week we got to know each other better and the rest of the mammals.

Their reproduction: those that lay eggs, have a baby carrier and those that have a placenta.

How they take care of the young and how they feed them, we have also been able to see many young (chimpanzee, orangutan, mangabei, tit, orix, giraffe, gazelle ...).

Their diet: herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.

Its adaptations to the aquatic, air and terrestrial environment.

Their fantastic habilities like great athletes in speed, acrobatics, climbing, strength and ingenuity.


Small explorers

We are the youngest of the explorers but we will also travel around the world looking for animals in the desert, jungle, forests and oceans.

We always go with a lot of care and respect, while our Zoo educator tells us a lot of things about the animals we come across. It is great!.


Traveling Arround the World in 80 Species

Here you see us making a stop on our trip to Asia, there we discovered the king of the jungle, the great tiger !. And we have prepared an enrichment for him, a new prey that he will have to find and hunt (these are the boxes in the photo) inside his caretaker he puts meat on.


Traveling Arround the World in 80 species 3

During this week we travel the continents, delving into their jungles, forests and deserts.

We throw ourselves into the seas and the great oceans !.

We explore and find the animals that live there, we discover them eating, hopping, swimming, sleeping, watching, digging, taking care of their young, fighting and also playing !.


Traveling arround the world in 80 species 2

This week the little explorers have traveled bravely !.

From seas and oceans to deserts, jungles and forests of all continents.

They have discovered, with the help of the Zoo educator, the most characteristic animals of each place, their curiosities and the adaptations that allow them to survive.


Big puppies

Small and large animals, with feathers, hair, skin or scales, animals with or without bones, all of them must reproduce.

Some reproductions are very simple, some very curious, and thanks to the Zoo educators, we have discovered a whole series of animals with their characteristics and their young.


Grandes cachorros 5

Animales pequeños y grandes, con plumas, pelo, piel o escamas, animales con huesos o sin, todos ellos deben reproducirse.

Algunas reproducciones son bien simples de otras curiosas y gracias a los educadores del zoo, hemos descubierto toda una serie de animales con sus características y sus crías.


Great naturalist 3

In this camp we have discovered the world of the great naturalists, we have known them and their great discoveries.


Great naturalist

In this camp we have discovered the world of the great naturalists, we have known them and their great discoveries.


The summer camps begin!

We welcome the boys and girls who come to enjoy the summer camps with us!.

It will be a different summer, full of experiences related to nature and the world of animals, that you will never forget!.

Are you ready ?. Let's start!