Education blog


Great naturalists 1


In this house we have discovered the world of great naturalists, we have met them and their great discoveries.

We have approached the species that helped them formulate their theories or that inspired their work while looking at the natural world through the eyes of a naturalist because we are already one more !.

The Zoo educators have also told us many curious things about each animal and we have been able to do a lot of things with them apart from observing them.


The Canigó School delves into the world of vertebrates

Third-graders have taken part in our vertebrate workshop where they have been experimenting with what it means to be a vertebrate, what types of vertebrates exist, what skeletons have, how they reproduce and also have their senses tested.

Then they were able to go around with the Zoo educator to go over the main concepts and see some vertebrates who worked in the workshop.

It was a morning full of discoveries !.


Ferran Clua school meets monkeys

P3 boys and girls come to do the monkey workshop with the help of a Zoo educator where they have been able to differentiate the characteristic features of the primates.

Then they went to see the different monkeys  at the Zoo where they could see different behaviors.

We also differentiate between what is a monkeys, that is, those that are more or less like us.

In the end they understood that we are monkeys and they have seen our similarities.


Francesc Macià school does the amphibian and reptile workshop!

The 3rd graders have experienced what it means to be amphibious and reptile by touching their scales, they have seen how they reproduce, what they eat, where they live ...

Afterwards they have been visited with the Zoo educators, in the terrarium they have seen the great diversity that exists on the planet!

Then they visited the nursery, where the young of endangered species - the Mediterranean and the river turtle - are part of European captive breeding programs. Every year, reintroductions are made to our territory to prevent their extinction!


The International School of the Field investigates the animal behavior


4th year ESO students visited us to learn the basics of animal behavior.

With the explanations of the Zoo educator, who takes into account the species biology and the particular histories of the family groups, he has recounted the different solitary and social behaviors in the spider monkey family as they performed them, an example in the photo. Where they have also been able to observe maternal behaviors as they have a very young offspring.

Other species have seen more behaviors such as feeding, cleaning, courtship, traveling, exploration, play ...


The Sagrada Familia school comes to join our wolfpack!

The P5 class has become part of our Iberian wolf pack.

They've learned from the parrot we have, how they hunt, that they feed in the wild and at the Zoo, how they communicate not only with sounds but also with the position of their ears, their tails, and whether or not they teach their teeth.

They have experienced what it feels like when a werewolf looks directly in the eyes, moments that they will never forget since they had a great time in front of the whole class !.


The Cifuentres school do the penguin project with us!


P4 students have come to know a lot about penguins: where they live, how they live, what they eat, how they reproduce ... ... doing a workshop where they have been able to experiment and find the answers.

Then they went to visit the Zoo penguins: Humboldt's, they saw our colony, their nests, how they swam, how their feathers were combed ...

They've also found that most penguins don't live on ice! And they have been able to measure with different species of penguin !. Some were as tall as royal penguins and others as emperors.


Dolphin project of the Cifuentes school


P4 students have come to work at the Zoo dolphin project !.

They have been able to make a workshop where the Zpp educator has explained all the aspects of these animals: how they are, where they live, how they live, how they are born, what they eat and what dolphins are in the seas.

Then they went to visit our dolphin family, after presenting them they could see how they swim, play, breathe ...

He also took the opportunity to explain the problems that dolphins have to find so many plastics in the sea and how we can help them all together!


L'IES SEK visits endangered species!


Second grade ESO classes have come to visit us to see the endangered species we have at the Zoo.

They have learned about captive breeding (EEP) programs, how we reintroduce different species to their habitat in Catalonia ("in situ" conservation) or outside ("ex situ" conservation).

What are the problems in their habitats and how are they trying to solve them?

They have also become aware of the role our citizens play in helping many species by very simply changing the small behaviors and uses of materials or foods such as palm oil.


The Turonet school discovers the vertebrates

Today 3rd graders wanted to experiment and learn about the different types of vertebrates.

The skeletons, covers, reproduction and the senses have been worked out by manipulating different materials.

Then they could visit an example of each group of vertebrates with the help of their Zoo educator.

As you can see they not only learned but also had a great time !.