Mission and values

The mission of the Zoo of Barcelona, a public body under the City Council of Barcelona, is to contribute to the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity of this planet, working in cooperation with other zoos, administrations, organizations and university and scientific centres.
In order to achieve such goal, a constant action is taken towards education and awareness on the respect of species, habitats and ecosystems, by proactively involving the society.
The Zoo contributes to scientific knowledge, by promoting research within its walls and cooperation with other research centres, increasing the number of research programmes and conservation actions, either in situ in the wild and ex situ in zoos.
Thus, aiming to guarantee the animals’ well-being at all times, facilities must be innovative and all AIZA, EAZA and WAZA’s the standards and requirements set for several worldwide conservation strategies in zoo parks must be met.
The implicit values of the Zoo’s task are transparency, sustainability, honesty and the willingness to help and compromise with nature and society.