
We have been very busy these two days!

We had little time to learn to be guardians of nature but we made the most of it! And that doesn’t end there, what we learned at the Zoo is the beginning !. Because from home we can also save nature and the species that live there by making small changes in our daily lives that do not require much effort!

In addition, now, in winter, we can make dining rooms for the little birds that right now find it difficult to find food and hang them on the balcony or in the garden.

We were able to make different types of toys or enrichments to different animals, like the leopard you saw on the cover or the ground hornbill. We loved seeing how he hunted our piñata! It's been so fast, these animals are a pass!

They have told us so many interesting things about the animals we have visited: how they live, how they eat at the Zoo and in nature, what the people at the Zoo are called, what dangers they have, what animals they eat ...

Every day we had a lot of surprises! And we loved being able to do it to the animals!
