Education blog


Ferran Sunyer school knows endangered species!

The 4th graders visited us to see endangered species of the Zoo, to what extent they are and what we are doing to help them.

They have also known that reintroduction is not always possible; it depends not only on the fact that a healthy population is in captivity, but also on the governments and the protection measures they have to solve all the problems that have caused their decline or extinction in freedom.

They have been able to visit many species and know the particularities of each and how the aid processes are.

alumnes i educadora

Veterinary students at the university of Lleida come to know all about us

Veterinary students at the University of Lleida are interested in the internal operation of the Zoo, so they have been able to visit some of our facilities closed to the general visitor.

And not only that, they have been able to see first-hand the veterinary clinic and how it works, the topic of diets, the cleaning of facilities, the filtering of fresh and salt water, the programs of environmental enrichment, captive breeding, the reception of endangered species, the reintroduction programs of species ...


Vedruna Gràcia students come to know more about endangered animals!

Third graders want to know the dangers of wildlife globally, how they are classified, and who they are.

Afterwards they have been able to visit many animals that are in the Zoo and are here for their conservation "in situ" when it comes to native species and "ex situ" when it comes to allochthonous species.

They have also learned about the European captive breeding programs we carry out and the complicated process of reintroducing them to their habitat, where many factors play a role: political, economic, war ...


Jaume Ferran i Clua School visits the wolves!.

The students of p4 could see our Iberian wolves selling nearby.

When we arrived, they slept, learned that they were nocturnal, went out hunting at night and so they rested during the day. And while resting they noticed that they were moving their ears to keep an eye on who was approaching their territory.

Despite being a couple they have been separated since they have been together recently.

They have also learned how to communicate, eat and hunt.


Collserola school visits the tiger!


P5 boys and girls have come to know the tiger.

They have been able to see our spectacular awake male, traveling through its territory during the morning.

Despite being nocturnal they also get up to mark territory, do some exercise or eat a bite.

They have all stopped their ears while tiger was walking and have seen that it makes no noise to be able to hunt and they have also seen that the drawing of their hair was good.

In the yard they could see some of his toys (enrichments), his river and his bed.


Collserola school visits the wolves!


The P4 class has come to the Zoo to learn more about the wolves and in particular the Iberian wolf.

They have been fortunate to see them come from up close as they come to greet their children as they approach their territory.

This is how they have been able to see very well their size, the colors of their hair, such as their ears, eyes and mouth.

alumnes i educadora

Biologia students from UB visit us


As every year, biology students at the UB visit the Zoo, an oasis in the middle of the city, full of abundant vegetation where different wintering and resident bird species visit us.

Many of the residents are birds typical of wooded areas and others of coastal areas, as we are very close to Collserola and the beach.


Goodbye Anak !


Today we have taken off with the sad news of the disappearance of Anak, the matriarch of the dolphin group.

We can not explain the emptiness that leaves us all workers of the Zoo and many visitors who remember it forever.

We want to thank you for all that you have done educatively for us and the thousands of children who visit us throughout the year who have learned many things about dolphins with you and your family!


Haloween at the Zoo

Today the Zookepers and the Zoo educator have had very special helpers, among them they have prepared some terrifyingly fun enthusiasts to some animals in the Zoo.

The protagonist in all of them has been a pumpkin with different presents in the interior, you can already imagine that they have chosen a deal.

So, the meerkats, mangabeys, southern earthly calaos and leopard from Shri Lanka have passed a day of the most entertaining as you can see at the photos below.


Foto de grup

"Floquet de Neu" Awards ceremony 2019

Today we celebrated the delivery of " Floqyet de Neu" awards in its 16th edition for the best high school research work carried out during 2018.

During this year the educators have advised 72 students to do their TR and of these, 21 were presented to participate in this edition of the awards.

The delivery has begun with an introduction of the head of the Education Area: Isabel Martínez welcoming all attendees: winners, participants, families, tutors and institutional representatives of the Barcelona City Council.