Education blog


Little scientifics

The pupils of the third Pau Casals school have come to learn to be researchers and meet our wolves and tigers. During the first session they have been able to see different behaviors of each species and have used a registration sheet to study the behavior of the two species. Wait a lot of work ahead!


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El Tritó del Montseny, a species to discover

One of the main tasks of the Zoo is education towards conservation and research programs. Tritó del Montseny is a Project Life of great importance.

Come and discover it at the Tritó's house!


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Farm work


Preparing the enrichment of farm animals is one of the most important things for the animal and its welfare. The Lluna has had a great time with its food ball, the carps have eaten great and the goats are combed, thank you, small farmers!

Dissabte selva asiàtica

Saturday of adventure in the Asian jungle

Why is the Asian jungle in danger? And their animals? The children who enjoyed the activity solved these doubts and helped the caregivers to create an enrichment for the orangutans. Come at the Saturdays of adventure to the zoo to discover it!

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Escola Can Clos investiga l'alimentació


The feeding is one of the vital functions of living beings, carnivores, omnivores, herbivores ... Depending on their diet, all the rest is modified: morphology, inhabited, relationships ...



Secrets del Zoo

The Zoo keeps many secrets ... come and discover them! Children and adults enjoyed the activities. 


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Discovery participants have learned many interesting things from the tasks of the Zoo and with the educator they have talked with the caregivers who daily care for the animals. 

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SUPERDIA in the Zoo

Today, the winners of the Super 3 Club competition have enjoyed a Superdia at the Zoo



La manada de 1er observant en total silenci els llops

Escola Turó de Guiera

La classe dels gossos de primer de primària ens han visitat per aprendre moltes coses dels seus parents salvatges: els llops i d'ells mateixos.

Ho han fet tan bé que han pogut gaudir de ben a prop de les nostres llobes.