Safety Drills at Barcelona Zoo

Zoo Barcelona


In compliance with Decree No. 30/2015 and with B:SM’s wish to have safe facilities, the annual Facility Self-Protection Plan activation drill was held at Barcelona Zoo last week.


This year, the drill was based on a tree branch falling into the white-crowned mangabeys’ enclosure following heavy gusts of wind, which could be used by the said animals as a bridge to escape.


A visitor to the Zoo (an actor) informed the park staff of the situation and, from there, the whole sequence of actions established in the Self-Protection Plan was carried out with a view to controlling the situation as quickly as possible.

During the partial evacuation of the public present in the area (actors), one of the evacuees supposedly stumbled and hurt their knee, which meant they couldn't move. The Zoo's medical team therefore had to take part in the drill for the purpose of providing the appropriate assistance.


The drill was carried out with the help of a group of students from the advanced vocational qualification in Occupational Risk Prevention at the Barcelona Institut Escola del Treball school, as one of the members of the B:SM Group’s Joint Prevention Service, Gerard Balcells, is a teacher on the said course.

The students acted either as observers or as extras to make the simulated situation more credible. Taking part in the activity also provided a great learning experience as part of their course.


The B:SM Group’s Prevention Service would like to thank all the people who took part in the drill for their great attitude and willingness to help!