Day event , Save the Fartet

Zoo Barcelona


The Delta del Llobregat Consortium is implementing a plan for recovering the Spanish Toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) in collaboration with Barcelona Zoo.


Based around conservation, research and education, the project includes the educational programme “Save the Spanish Toothcarp”, which is aimed at raising students’ awareness of the importance of the conservation of this species of fish and at getting them involved in the recovery plan.

One of the initiatives of the new school year was to bring together all the schools making up the project and to give meaning to the educational programme. The purpose of the day event was to get students to share in the project’s implementation by promoting dialogue and mutual knowledge between the schools involved, sharing work methods, education and educational experiences, as well as informing the schools that the project has been recognised with the 2019 AIZA Prize, we appreciate at AIZA his support.


Because of this we would like to thank the school representatives who were present at the 1st meeting of the "Save the Spanish Toothcarp" educational programme for their involvement. We hope they had a great day!


