Research project

Activity designed for students in final year of compulsory secondary (year 4 ESO).
At the Barcelona Zoo we have designed an educational programme especially for compulsory secondary (ESO) students. These activities give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of animals and learn about the large number of flora and fauna species at the Zoo.
Activity designed for students in final year of compulsory secondary (year 4 ESO).
Each group of students, in coordination with their tutors, select the subject matter for the Year 4 ESO Research Project. In order to assist and contribute to students work on this assignment and to adapt to their different requests, the Barcelona Zoo makes these services available to them:
- Personal service at the Zoo’s Department of Education on Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 5 pm, during which students can have any questions answered If they cannot come due to school obligations, we will handle each case on a one-on-one basis
- A card that will let them visit the facilities a variable number of times and on the days and times they want, to make the observations they need to do The card is valid for three months
We also offer consultations to students in their last year of compulsory secondary (ESO in Spanish/Catalan) who are doing their research project and need advice on subjects related to zoology, biodiversity, conservation, sustainability, awareness raising campaigns... Just send us your proposal, in coordination with your tutor, and we will plan the meetings and interviews you need. A card will let you visit the facilities a variable number of times and during the days and times that you want to make any observations you require. The card will be valid for three months.
Sign Up
Getting ready
To get the most out of the information system for the Year 4 ESO Research Project, we suggest that you do the things detailed below in advance at your school:
To arouse students’ interest and increase their motivation about the animals:
- Set up work groups
- Collect information on the animal that the project will be centred on
- Agree on a work plan and outline the contents with the tutor
- Research bibliographical sources and information, either on the internet or using other resources, on the animal or subject selected
- Draw up a draft of the working schedule that includes: outlining a hypothesis, planning the research method, integrating information from different sources, data analysis and drawing well-reasoned conclusions
For watching the animals:
- Look for a documentary, CD or other electronic mediums to observe the animal before coming to see it at the Zoo
As specific objectives:
- Planned structuring of the research project
Let’s go to the Zoo
The Year 4 ESO Research Project at the Zoo lets higher secondary students make consultations at this email address:
A biologist at the Zoo Department of Education will read the mails and answer any questions or queries every Monday and Wednesday, by strict order of reception.
When requesting the service, which has been approved by the project tutor and after receiving a receipt for payment, students will receive a Booking Number that is connected to the subject of the research project. In the subject line for every consultation, please include: BOOKING NUMBER – PROJECT SUBJECT.
Observation sessions
All students will receive a card that will let them enter the Zoo to make observations whenever they would like, during opening hours. The card is valid for three months.
What have we learned?
Ideas for what to do after collecting information for the Year 4 ESO Research Project at the Zoo:
Area of Natural Sciences:
- Turn in a written report on the assignment
- Make a brief oral presentation of the work done
Evaluation of learning:
The evaluation will be done when students submit their project to their schools.
For teacher
ESO students to do their research projects.
Education on protecting the environment
Living organisms
With regard to knowledge, facts and concepts:
- Introduction to the scientific method
- Other objectives depending on the content of each project
With regard to procedures:
- Collecting information from different sources to be able to do the project
- Obtaining structured information on the animals via observation
With regard to attitudes and values:
- Putting social and civic skills and competences into action such as participation, responsibility, decision making and public speaking in teamwork
- Foster respect toward animals via better knowledge of them
- Raising students’ awareness on protecting nature
Do you have questions?
For more information, fill out the form below and we will contact you.