
We put at your disposal all the services you may need to enjoy a great day at the Zoo! Food services, shops, children’s games, medical service, lockers, among others. Find their location on the map.
Zoo Barcelona

Ergonomic child seats

Ergonomic child seats where you can leave your baby while you attend to your personal needs in those facilities. The chairs are made of natural materials that are appropriate for small children, and their design guarantees solidity and safety during supervised use.


Location: Wellington, Aviary, Farm and Earth dragons.


Nursing room - Zoo Barcelona

Breastfeeding room

In the Barcelona Zoo we have a nursing room located close to La Morera Restaurant so you can enjoy a comfortable space to meet the needs of food and hygiene of your baby.

Changing rooms in the toilets - Zoo Barcelona

Changing rooms in the toilets

There are diaper changing rooms in many of the Zoo’s toilets, including in  the komodos,   the Aviary and the entrance on Carrer Wellington.

Children’s games - Zoo Barcelona

Children’s games

In the middle of the Zone, in front of the Cuban flamingo exhibit, there is a playground for children which includes games for kids with reduced mobility. There is also another games area for children at the Zoo Farm.