Vedruna Gràcia students come to know more about endangered animals!


Third graders want to know the dangers of wildlife globally, how they are classified, and who they are.

Afterwards they have been able to visit many animals that are in the Zoo and are here for their conservation "in situ" when it comes to native species and "ex situ" when it comes to allochthonous species.

They have also learned about the European captive breeding programs we carry out and the complicated process of reintroducing them to their habitat, where many factors play a role: political, economic, war ...

Although complicated, we make reintroductions at our Zoo in our territory and in others like Africa and Europe.

After seeing how a zoo can help to prevent the extinction of a species, we have also come to know the ways in which consumers as consumers can avoid some causes that cause their decline without leaving home and changing small habits !.
