Education blog


The students of La Salle Bonanova met the animals

First grade girls and boys from la Salle Bonanova, have come to the Zoo to meet our animals. With the explanations of our educators and the experiences in the Zoo school, have became an experts about animals! 




Workshop of evolution with the IES Torre del Palau

The students of 4.º of the ESO of the IES Torre del Palau have come to the Zoo of Barcelona to learn about the evolutionary process of vertebrate animals. They have been able to do practical work based on morphological tests, through direct observations of biological materials, in order that students become aware of their belonging to the animal world.



Sants Innocents discover de functioning of the Zoo

Boys and girls of Sants Innocents School, have put themselves in the shoes of the professionals of the Zoo to learn which one are they main tasks and motivations. They also have been able to know the main work spaces of the Zoo accompany by our educators.



Students visit us from Gijón

Some 3rd secundari hight School students at  Montedeva school from Gijón have visited us especially for an interview about the zoo and the conservation, education and research tasks that are carried out every day!.

  We thank you for visiting us and interested in our work!


Emperador Carles School do the biodiversity workshop

The students of 1st ESO of Emperador Carles School, have come to the Zoo to learn about the differents phylogenetic orders, and even, they have been able to classify different species with the help of key dichotomous.




Vertebrate animal workshop with the School Sant Josep

The students of 3rd of primary of the School Sant Josep, have come to the zoo to learn more about the vertebrate animals. They have done a theorical class at the Zoo School and then they have walk around the zoo with the educators to see the animals in person. They have been so lucky, because they have been able to see dolphins enrichments in live. For the dolphins its veryimportant to do physical exercice. The enrichments helps that the dolphins are in good physical and mental condition, those are essentials for their wellbeig.