Education blog


Prim School studies the vertebrates animals

The students of 3rd and 4th of Delgado Shcool, have learned at the Zoo the main features that difference the groups of vertebrates animals. They have walked around the Zoo with our educators to prove their knowledges and for see the animals in person.




La Salle Comptal learns about horses

The students of 1st primary of la Salle Comtal School, have come to the zoo to do a workshop for learn more abuout horses. They have been with zebras, who are relative to horses. Even, they have been able to visit "Les Cavallerisses de la Guàrdia Urbana" to see the horses closer.




La Creu School learn about endangered animals

What does it mean that an animal is in danger of extinction? This question was formulated by the 4th primary students of La Caixa School before they come to the Zoo. That's why they have done the activity "animals in danger of extintion", for learn more about this problem.





The students of La Caixa School discovers the monkeys of the Zoo

The students of P3 of La Caixa School have come to the zoo to learn more about monkeys. They have done a little activity to learn about their alimentation and their habitat amd then, they have gone to see the differents primates of the zoo to prove their knowledges.



Wake up Spring

The Zoo welcomes the spring!

The families that visit us have discovered the animals of our fauna that live freely in the Zoo and who have just woken up from hibernation. Tqhey have seen where they sleep and that they have been fed.

They have also been able to make and take a mill with one of the protagonists of the activity (bat, green frog and common hedgehog).

We are waiting for you next weekends with other activities!


Welcome to the spring!


Coinciding with the beginning of spring,  in March 24th, we have carried out an activity where the animals that live freely in the zoo have become known and that at this moment they wake up after a winter dreaming: the hedgehog, the green frog, common midwife toad,  

We welcome spring!