#Beuresenseplastic [Drinking Without Plastic] Challenge achieved!



Barcelona Zoo is joining in the waste reduction effort promoted by Barcelona City Council within the framework of the 2020 European Week for Waste Reduction #EWWR2020. This annual event was created as a result of a three-year project backed by the European Commission’s LIFE + programme.beuresenseplastic


Last Friday, we closed the Week with the #BeureSensePlastic Waste Working Group closing ceremony, where we presented this year’s results and shared our experiences during the challenge. It was a great occasion to meet with all the organisations committed to eliminating single-use plastic from drinks at our entities.


Barcelona Zoo would like to thank you for your participation and that of all the organisations involved. It is both exciting and necessary to join in the waste reduction effort!


Let’s make sure the #BeureSensePlastic challenge is there every day! Think globally, act locally!