Egyptian acacia
Acacia nilotica
Thorny tree that can be up to 20m in height, with a straight trunk with up to a 60cm diameter, dark brown to black coloured that exude a reddish gum in some parts. With thorns straight and thin.
Inflorescence: Group of bright yellow flowers located at the base of the leaves and composed of 2-4 glomerulus.
Fruit and Seed: Flat or cylindrical pod, yellow or greyish brown coloured when mature, generally with 4-10 brown seeds.
Uses: Excellent for firewood and charcoal. It is used as tool handles for local populations and it has medicinal properties.
- Roots: They are used to treat dental infections, inflammations, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea and haemorrhage.
- Small branches: they are used as toothbrushes.
- Seeds: They are used to treat haemorrhoids and gingivitis.
Natural habit
Sudano-Sahelian zone, in clay soils and poorly drained or thin and drained.

- Natural Habit
Growth Habit

20 m
Flower and fruit