Zoo keepers and Vets 1


We are the youngest apprentices of Zoo keepers and veterinarians.

In this camp we have learned everything they need to live well such fantastic animals as reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals. Everyone needs cleaning, food and toys (enrichments) !. But a crocodile is not as clean as a turtle or a macaw or a lion or a donkey !. And they don’t eat the same thing either !.

We were able to learn everything from the Zoo educator and the Zoo keeper of each of the sections of the Zoo !.

But even if they are well cared for sometimes the animals get sick they are lucky to have 3 vets and several assistants !. That's why we went to visit the Zoo clinic and practiced with different patients ... plush !!!!.

It has become very clear to us that at the Zoo animals are not pets !.

They take care of them so that they have children and so if they disappear in the wild with the animals of the Zoo we could return them to their home !. We have been told that at the Zoo they have been doing it for many years, more than 10, with the gazelle dorcas but also with the newt of Montseny, the brook turtle, the ferreret, the common vulture, the Mediterranean turtle ....

