Compulsory Secondary Education research project

Activity designed for students in final year of compulsory secondary (year 4 ESO).
At the Barcelona Zoo we have designed an educational programme especially for compulsory secondary (ESO) students. These activities give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of animals and learn about the large number of flora and fauna species at the Zoo.
Foster respect for animals through better knowledge and protection of nature.
Study the main causes that have led many species to extinction or to being endangered.
Introduce the concepts of animal behaviour, innate behaviour and learned behaviour.
Learn to carefully observe animals’ behaviour and draw conclusions.
Learn about the concepts of conservation, research and education applied to zoos, upholding a good level of wellbeing for all species living at zoos.
Study the main types of reproduction and biological cycles in the animal world.
Embark on the classification and recognition of the different groups with the use of key dichotomies.
Present the biology and ecology of some animals.
Learn notions about genetic heredity.
To recognise the fauna from our country and the need of assuring their conservation.
To handle biological material and other graphic materials to resolve practical exercises.
To foster respect for animals through being better informed.
To know about the problems of illegally trading endangered species and the responsible ownership of pets.
To introduce the scientific method, the deduction of concepts and drawing up hypotheses using the acquired knowledge. Summarise and draw conclusions.