The special day of S. Felip Neri school

alumnes i educadora

Today has been a very special day for the first grade students of the S. Felip Neri school. They had the whole zoo for them !.

They were first accompanied by a zoo educator who explained many things about penguins in general and Humboldt in particular.

These boys and girls already knew a lot about it, because they had worked with penguins at school because they are the class of penguins!

Not only have they visited them but on the way they have been able to see another non-flying bird and with it they have reviewed all the characteristics of birds: the ostrich.

And they have made yet another stop in front of the flamingos where they have observed the differences between these birds and the penguins.

Already with the penguins, they have acted as explorers, figuring out what their footprints are like, what size the fish they eat should be, how the feathers and eggs they have been able to see very close and touch (with the proper sanitary measures) .

And finally, they were able to see how they ate one of the fish caught by their caretaker, as other birds are concentrated in their installation (fishing geese, laughing and silver-tailed deer, white-tailed deer and often a sacred ibis), who live in the zoo and try to take the occasional fish. It has been very exciting !.

To finish they were able to do something truly extraordinary, enjoy the whole Zoo on their own!




